The 4th year: TCT and TVT facility. 溫度循環與熱真空測試設備。
- Construct a thermal vacuum test system: It is required for space payloads to pass thermal vacuum test to meet NSPO's environmental specification. NSPO is the sole organization in Taiwan to provide thermal vacuum test for space environment. However, the test facility is expensive from commercial company and costs money and time for operation.
Right now we plan to build a simple thermal vacuum test facility for components and payloads. It is expected to meet the NSPO's requirement to provide temperature cycling between -50°C to 70°C with a rate of 1°C per minute under 5 x 10-5 torr pressure.
建置熱真空環境測試設施: 可模擬在太空中高溫與低溫之環境,為太空酬載的環境測試項目中最重要的一環。將成為國內大學唯一的熱真空環測設備。 - Digital processing unit: NI Single-Board RIO and Xilinx FPGA start kits were chosen as a hardware platform for the digital processing unit of science payloads. To configure the function of the board, a Control and Embedded Systems Option and a Circuits Option of NI Academic Site License - Department Teaching License were purchased for developments with NI Single-Board RIO and embedded system in the future.
數位處理系統的發展平台: 校正系統包含標準的電流與電壓之量測、電源供應、與資料擷取等。數位處理系統的發展平台包含微處理器之開發套件,操作系統,編譯器,與可程式化邏輯裝置的開發套件等。 - Install a photo spectral analyzer: It is useful to have a photon spectral analyzer to diagnostic the plasma composition inside the chamber. The device can be used with the EUV plasma source to study chemical reactions in the D and E-region of ionosphere.
安裝太空電漿模擬艙之光譜分析儀: 太空電漿模擬艙之光譜分析儀可監測太空電漿模擬艙內之電漿成份與相關之化學反應。與未來設置紫外光電漿產生裝置相配合,可模擬出類似電離層 D 域與 E 域的電漿環境,並分析其化學反應過程。